About Emma, Founder of Simplified Home Living


I’m Emma, the founder of Simplified Home Living. When I started this business back in 2022, I never expected it to become the transformative community it is today.

My Story
As a busy mother of two wonderful kids, I was drowning in clutter and chaos at home. Juggling parenting duties, my job, household chores, and everything in between left me overwhelmed. Slowly I implemented systems that worked for my family’s lifestyle and found order amidst the disorder. As our home environment improved, so did my mental headspace and connection with loved ones.

I began sharing my organizational tips with other parents and saw firsthand what a difference decluttering made in their home life too. Witnessing that spark of joy motivated me to launch Simplified Home Living.

My Mission
At Simplified Home Living, our mission is to empower families to reduce clutter so they can make room for what truly matters. Through our inspirational printables and judgement-free community, we provide achievable steps to establish stability and harmony in the everyday.

Beyond the Business
When I’m not working, you can find me outside playing gardening with my kids, attempting new recipes in the kitchen, or searching local antique shops for hidden gems. I live just outside Atlanta, Georgia with my awesome husband and our two hilarious kiddos who constantly teach me about finding joy in the simple moments.

It’s an honor to share this journey with you!
