How to Declutter Bathroom Cupboards & Drawers for a Calm Start to Your Day

How to Declutter Bathroom Cupboards & Drawers for a Calm Start to Your Day

Bathroom cupboards and drawers quickly become disorganized catchalls over time. Constantly rummaging through clutter to find what you need can start the day off stressful. In this post, we’ll thoroughly explore tips to declutter these spaces for a calmer morning routine.

Why Declutter Bathroom Cupboards & Drawers?

  • Reduce time spent searching - Know precisely where things are kept.
  • Remove expired items - Toss old products that may be ineffective or unsafe.
  • Create a soothing space - Start your days in a calm environment.
  • Boost your mood - An orderly space promotes a positive mindset.
  • Make room for necessities - There’s space for what you actually use daily.

Where to Begin

  • Empty all the contents onto a clean surface. Resist the urge to do a quick tidy. You’ll achieve more by taking everything out.
  • Give the now empty cupboards and drawers a thorough wipe down before returning items.
  • Have a garbage bag ready for decluttering as you sort through items.

Sorting & Decluttering

  • Be ruthless. Toss expired or near-empty products.
  • If not used in the past year, consider donating or recycling.
  • Only keep items you know you regularly use and appreciate.
  • Group similar items together - cleaning supplies, bath accessories etc.

Organizing & Final Steps

  • Categorize contents using trays, baskets, dividers for easy access.
  • Arrange items based on frequency of use. Most used ones should be most accessible.
  • Label baskets/trays for quick identification of contents.
  • Admire the decluttered space! Snap an 'after' photo.
  • Maintain regular checks for expired items and restocking necessities.

Decluttering often overlooked bathroom spaces provides daily calm. Follow these tips to thoroughly organize cupboards and drawers, creating a serene morning start.

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